// clang-format off #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using LL=long long; #define FOR(i,l,r) for(auto i=(l);i<=(r);++i) #define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,(n)-1) #define ssize(x) int(x.size()) template<class A,class B>auto&operator<<(ostream&o,pair<A,B>p){return o<<"("<<p.first<<", "<<p.second<<")";} template<class T>auto operator<<(ostream&o,T x)->decltype(x.end(),o){o<<"{";int i=0;for(auto e:x)o<<(", ")+2*!i++<<e;return o<<"}";} #ifdef DEBUG #define debug(x...) cerr<<"["#x"]: ",[](auto...$){((cerr<<$<<"; "),...);}(x),cerr<<'\n' #else #define debug(...) {} #endif // clang-format on #define ENCODE(a, b) (min(a, b) * nverts + max(a, b)) #define DECODEA(enc) ((enc) / nverts) #define DECODEB(enc) ((enc) % nverts) // Global variables int nverts, dag_nverts = 0; const int max_nverts = 30000; vector<vector<int>> adj[2]; vector<bitset<max_nverts>> mat[2]; vector<bool> visited; vector<pair<int, int>> ans[2]; unordered_set<int> not_in[2]; inline void add_edge(const int& id, const int& a, const int& b) { const int& enc = ENCODE(a, b); not_in[id].erase(enc); mat[id][a][b] = mat[id][b][a] = true; const int& other = !(bool)id; if (!mat[other][a][b]) not_in[other].insert(enc); } void make_star(const int& id, const int& start) { vector<int> dq{start}; while (!dq.empty()) { int v = dq.back(); dq.pop_back(); for (const auto& neigh : adj[id][v]) { if (visited[neigh]) continue; visited[neigh] = true; if (mat[id][0][neigh] == false) { ans[id].emplace_back(0, neigh); add_edge(id, 0, neigh); } dq.emplace_back(neigh); } } } int main() { cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0); cin >> nverts; REP (id, 2) adj[id].resize(nverts), mat[id].resize(nverts); REP (id, 2) { int nedges, a, b; cin >> nedges; while (nedges--) { cin >> a >> b; add_edge(id, --a, --b); adj[id][a].emplace_back(b); adj[id][b].emplace_back(a); } } // Create a star so that c always exists REP (id, 2) { visited = vector<bool>(nverts); visited[0] = true; for (const auto& start : adj[id][0]) { if (visited[start]) continue; visited[start] = true; make_star(id, start); } } visited.clear(); visited.shrink_to_fit(); // Add more edges so that graphs are equal REP (id, 2) { for (const auto& enc : not_in[id]) { const int &a = DECODEA(enc), &b = DECODEB(enc); ans[id].emplace_back(a, b); } } cout << ssize(ans[0]) + ssize(ans[1]) << "\n"; for (auto it = ans[0].begin(); it != ans[0].end(); ++it) cout << "+ " << it->first + 1 << " " << it->second + 1 << "\n"; for (auto it = ans[1].rbegin(); it != ans[1].rend(); ++it) cout << "- " << it->first + 1 << " " << it->second + 1 << "\n"; return 0; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 | // clang-format off #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using LL=long long; #define FOR(i,l,r) for(auto i=(l);i<=(r);++i) #define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,(n)-1) #define ssize(x) int(x.size()) template<class A,class B>auto&operator<<(ostream&o,pair<A,B>p){return o<<"("<<p.first<<", "<<p.second<<")";} template<class T>auto operator<<(ostream&o,T x)->decltype(x.end(),o){o<<"{";int i=0;for(auto e:x)o<<(", ")+2*!i++<<e;return o<<"}";} #ifdef DEBUG #define debug(x...) cerr<<"["#x"]: ",[](auto...$){((cerr<<$<<"; "),...);}(x),cerr<<'\n' #else #define debug(...) {} #endif // clang-format on #define ENCODE(a, b) (min(a, b) * nverts + max(a, b)) #define DECODEA(enc) ((enc) / nverts) #define DECODEB(enc) ((enc) % nverts) // Global variables int nverts, dag_nverts = 0; const int max_nverts = 30000; vector<vector<int>> adj[2]; vector<bitset<max_nverts>> mat[2]; vector<bool> visited; vector<pair<int, int>> ans[2]; unordered_set<int> not_in[2]; inline void add_edge(const int& id, const int& a, const int& b) { const int& enc = ENCODE(a, b); not_in[id].erase(enc); mat[id][a][b] = mat[id][b][a] = true; const int& other = !(bool)id; if (!mat[other][a][b]) not_in[other].insert(enc); } void make_star(const int& id, const int& start) { vector<int> dq{start}; while (!dq.empty()) { int v = dq.back(); dq.pop_back(); for (const auto& neigh : adj[id][v]) { if (visited[neigh]) continue; visited[neigh] = true; if (mat[id][0][neigh] == false) { ans[id].emplace_back(0, neigh); add_edge(id, 0, neigh); } dq.emplace_back(neigh); } } } int main() { cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0); cin >> nverts; REP (id, 2) adj[id].resize(nverts), mat[id].resize(nverts); REP (id, 2) { int nedges, a, b; cin >> nedges; while (nedges--) { cin >> a >> b; add_edge(id, --a, --b); adj[id][a].emplace_back(b); adj[id][b].emplace_back(a); } } // Create a star so that c always exists REP (id, 2) { visited = vector<bool>(nverts); visited[0] = true; for (const auto& start : adj[id][0]) { if (visited[start]) continue; visited[start] = true; make_star(id, start); } } visited.clear(); visited.shrink_to_fit(); // Add more edges so that graphs are equal REP (id, 2) { for (const auto& enc : not_in[id]) { const int &a = DECODEA(enc), &b = DECODEB(enc); ans[id].emplace_back(a, b); } } cout << ssize(ans[0]) + ssize(ans[1]) << "\n"; for (auto it = ans[0].begin(); it != ans[0].end(); ++it) cout << "+ " << it->first + 1 << " " << it->second + 1 << "\n"; for (auto it = ans[1].rbegin(); it != ans[1].rend(); ++it) cout << "- " << it->first + 1 << " " << it->second + 1 << "\n"; return 0; } |