Temat: Spades online with friends

Spades is unquestionably one of the most well-known card games in the world.

Play and strategize with your partner before the round, and take the number of tricks you bid. To win, you must be the first to reach 250 points.

Mastering the game will require precision, strategy, and good planning.

Remember, spades are always trump!

How do you play?
- Bid on the number of tricks you believe you will be able to perform.
- If possible, follow the suit's lead. If you are unable to do so, play a trump or discard.
- The player who played the highest card in the led suit or the highest trump wins the trick.
- Spades cannot be led unless they have been broken, which means they have previously been used as trump.
- When all 13 tricks have been played, the round is over. To win, you must accumulate 250 or 500 points.
Play spades online with friends. No download is required. Spades is completely free to play.
