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Vilitra medicine is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. This medicine contains an ingredient called vardenafil. This medicine can be used before or after a meal. This drug should be used 1 hour before sexual intercourse. The effect of this drug lasts for 24 hours. The effect of this medicine starts in 30 to 40 minutes. This medicine cannot be used by women or goats.
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In this era, with rising stress due to economic and health concerns, most people are getting diagnosed with anxiety disorder. There are various causes of anxiety. However, the causes depend on the types of anxiety. Irrespective of the type of anxiety is confronted by someone. The disorder is instigated due to some kind of stress. Existential anxiety is a sort of issue that is associated with the feature of fear or longing of individuation, parting, and differentiation. The original cause of this type of anxiety is mental trauma. It usually occurs when somebody is at a prodigious deal of continuous stress due to shock. There is another type of anxiety, where a person is stressed about mathematics.

Moreover, social anxiety is also a communal anxiety issue that is typically seen in introverts. They face awful anxiety in enormous crowds or social congregations. This leads to their nervous breakdown. There is another major kind of anxiety called somatic anxiety. It is caused in people in light of somatization, which can be defined as the physical manifestation of anxiety, which is mostly related to sports phycology. The last kind of anxiety is called test anxiety or stage fright. Many people, irrespective of their age, face stage fright due to their fear of failure in front of everyone. Similarly, test anxiety is also related to the fear of failure in a test.

PTSD is another reason to give rise to the issue of anxiety in people. It falls under the section of trauma that is mostly faced by militaries and injured people. Due to PTSD, people have been seen to suffer from chronic anxiety. Moreover, it has been observed that PTSD patients relive their traumas again and again with the kind of anxiety that is facilitated by it. They fall into extreme depression with untreated anxiety. In many cases, the veterans face a mental breakdown. Several therapies are suggested for those people after they retire due to this particular reason. With prolonged PTSD, there have been cases where people have tried to take their own lives to avoid falling prey to anxiety and depression. In light of that, they are suggested to take medicinal help and various other counseling therapies.

With respect to these issues related to anxiety, patients are often prescribed to use Etizolam. Moreover, it has been observed that with the help of Etizolam, short-term and mild anxiety can be treated effectively, which helps people to deal with anxiety and help them socialize without succumbing to extensive anxiety. Due to the ability of the particular drug to interact with the neurotransmitters in our body, it has been suggested to many patients who are suffering from PTSD. It relieves them from the constant mental breakdown by relaxing their nerves and allows them to tale rest. It aids their recovery if used properly as prescribed by the medical professionals. The dosage of Etizolam for different kinds of anxiety issues is different depending on their intensity and variability. Moreover, this particular dug is also helpful in the treatment of insomnia, which is also caused by anxiety, as observed in many cases. Anxiety is caused due to abnormal and extensive activity in the nerve cells, which can be controlled with the help of the respective medication in the discussion.