#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <map> #include <vector> #include "message.h" #include "kollib.h" using namespace std; /***************Deklaracje dla kazdego Node'a********************/ const int MAXVPN = 1000; //Vertex Per Node - ilosc wierzcholkow do przeszukania na kazdy struct NEIGHBOR { int id; int first_id, first_dist; int second_id, second_dist; }; NEIGHBOR Neighbor[MAXVPN]; int NodeNum, VertNum, QueriesNum, NodeId; set<int> POI; //Point Of Interest - zbior wierzcholkow, ktore nas interesuja vector<int> POIv; //Point Of Interest vector - wektor wierzcholkow POI void SearchForNext(int, int, NEIGHBOR&); /***************Deklaracje dla Node0*****************************/ int main() { NodeNum = NumberOfNodes(); NodeId = MyNodeId(); VertNum = NumberOfStudents(); QueriesNum = NumberOfQueries(); int VPN; if(VertNum < 1E6) VPN = 100; else VPN = MAXVPN; //Wstawianie szukanych wierzcholkow do zbioru for(int i=1; i<=QueriesNum; i++) { POI.insert(QueryFrom(i)); POIv.push_back(QueryFrom(i)); POI.insert(QueryTo(i)); POIv.push_back(QueryTo(i)); } //Uzupelnianie zbioru do NodeNum*VPN wierzcholkow srand(NodeNum+VertNum+18); while(POIv.size() < NodeNum * VPN) { int next = rand()%VertNum + 1; POI.insert(next); POIv.push_back(next); } //Przeszukiwanie grafu rozpoczynajac od wierzcholkow przypisanych //danemu procesorowi wedlug num = NodeID + i*NodeNum, gdzie i=<0, VPN> for(int i=0, vert_id; i<VPN; i++) { vert_id = POIv[NodeId + i*NodeNum]; Neighbor[i].id = vert_id; SearchForNext(vert_id, FirstNeighbor(vert_id), Neighbor[i]); SearchForNext(vert_id, SecondNeighbor(vert_id), Neighbor[i]); } //Wyslanie informacji o grafie do Node0 if(NodeId > 0) { for(int i=0; i<VPN; i++) { PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].first_id); PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].first_dist); PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].second_id); PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].second_dist); } Send(0); } /*********************************************************************************************/ //Zebranie informacji przez Node0 i wypisanie odpowiedzi else { map<int, struct NEIGHBOR> graph; //Pobranie informacji od pozostalych Node'ow for(int i=1; i<NodeNum; i++) { int source_id, vert_id; source_id = Receive(-1); for(int j=0; j<VPN; j++) { vert_id = POIv[source_id + j*NodeNum]; graph[vert_id].id = vert_id; graph[vert_id].first_id = GetInt(source_id); graph[vert_id].first_dist = GetInt(source_id); graph[vert_id].second_id = GetInt(source_id); graph[vert_id].second_dist = GetInt(source_id); } } //Pobranie informacji od Node0 for(int i=0; i<VPN; i++) graph[Neighbor[i].id] = Neighbor[i]; //Dla kazdego POI generuje odlegosc od POIv[0] //odleglosc ta przechowywana jest w graph[].id int curr = POIv[0], prev, distance = 0; graph[curr].id = distance; prev = curr; distance += graph[curr].first_dist; curr = graph[curr].first_id; while(curr != POIv[0]) { graph[curr].id = distance; if(graph[curr].first_id != prev) { prev = curr; distance += graph[curr].first_dist; curr = graph[curr].first_id; } else { prev = curr; distance += graph[curr].second_dist; curr = graph[curr].second_id; } } //Odpowiedz na zapytania for(int i=1, a, b, res; i<=QueriesNum; ++i) { a = graph[QueryFrom(i)].id; b = graph[QueryTo(i)].id; res = min(abs(a-b), VertNum-abs(a-b)); printf("%d\n", res); } } return 0; } void SearchForNext(int prev, int curr, NEIGHBOR &nbh) { int distance = 1; while(POI.find(curr) == POI.end()) { if(FirstNeighbor(curr) != prev) { prev = curr; curr = FirstNeighbor(curr); } else { prev = curr; curr = SecondNeighbor(curr); } distance++; } if(nbh.first_id == 0) { nbh.first_id = curr; nbh.first_dist = distance; } else { nbh.second_id = curr; nbh.second_dist = distance; } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 | #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <map> #include <vector> #include "message.h" #include "kollib.h" using namespace std; /***************Deklaracje dla kazdego Node'a********************/ const int MAXVPN = 1000; //Vertex Per Node - ilosc wierzcholkow do przeszukania na kazdy struct NEIGHBOR { int id; int first_id, first_dist; int second_id, second_dist; }; NEIGHBOR Neighbor[MAXVPN]; int NodeNum, VertNum, QueriesNum, NodeId; set<int> POI; //Point Of Interest - zbior wierzcholkow, ktore nas interesuja vector<int> POIv; //Point Of Interest vector - wektor wierzcholkow POI void SearchForNext(int, int, NEIGHBOR&); /***************Deklaracje dla Node0*****************************/ int main() { NodeNum = NumberOfNodes(); NodeId = MyNodeId(); VertNum = NumberOfStudents(); QueriesNum = NumberOfQueries(); int VPN; if(VertNum < 1E6) VPN = 100; else VPN = MAXVPN; //Wstawianie szukanych wierzcholkow do zbioru for(int i=1; i<=QueriesNum; i++) { POI.insert(QueryFrom(i)); POIv.push_back(QueryFrom(i)); POI.insert(QueryTo(i)); POIv.push_back(QueryTo(i)); } //Uzupelnianie zbioru do NodeNum*VPN wierzcholkow srand(NodeNum+VertNum+18); while(POIv.size() < NodeNum * VPN) { int next = rand()%VertNum + 1; POI.insert(next); POIv.push_back(next); } //Przeszukiwanie grafu rozpoczynajac od wierzcholkow przypisanych //danemu procesorowi wedlug num = NodeID + i*NodeNum, gdzie i=<0, VPN> for(int i=0, vert_id; i<VPN; i++) { vert_id = POIv[NodeId + i*NodeNum]; Neighbor[i].id = vert_id; SearchForNext(vert_id, FirstNeighbor(vert_id), Neighbor[i]); SearchForNext(vert_id, SecondNeighbor(vert_id), Neighbor[i]); } //Wyslanie informacji o grafie do Node0 if(NodeId > 0) { for(int i=0; i<VPN; i++) { PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].first_id); PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].first_dist); PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].second_id); PutInt(0, Neighbor[i].second_dist); } Send(0); } /*********************************************************************************************/ //Zebranie informacji przez Node0 i wypisanie odpowiedzi else { map<int, struct NEIGHBOR> graph; //Pobranie informacji od pozostalych Node'ow for(int i=1; i<NodeNum; i++) { int source_id, vert_id; source_id = Receive(-1); for(int j=0; j<VPN; j++) { vert_id = POIv[source_id + j*NodeNum]; graph[vert_id].id = vert_id; graph[vert_id].first_id = GetInt(source_id); graph[vert_id].first_dist = GetInt(source_id); graph[vert_id].second_id = GetInt(source_id); graph[vert_id].second_dist = GetInt(source_id); } } //Pobranie informacji od Node0 for(int i=0; i<VPN; i++) graph[Neighbor[i].id] = Neighbor[i]; //Dla kazdego POI generuje odlegosc od POIv[0] //odleglosc ta przechowywana jest w graph[].id int curr = POIv[0], prev, distance = 0; graph[curr].id = distance; prev = curr; distance += graph[curr].first_dist; curr = graph[curr].first_id; while(curr != POIv[0]) { graph[curr].id = distance; if(graph[curr].first_id != prev) { prev = curr; distance += graph[curr].first_dist; curr = graph[curr].first_id; } else { prev = curr; distance += graph[curr].second_dist; curr = graph[curr].second_id; } } //Odpowiedz na zapytania for(int i=1, a, b, res; i<=QueriesNum; ++i) { a = graph[QueryFrom(i)].id; b = graph[QueryTo(i)].id; res = min(abs(a-b), VertNum-abs(a-b)); printf("%d\n", res); } } return 0; } void SearchForNext(int prev, int curr, NEIGHBOR &nbh) { int distance = 1; while(POI.find(curr) == POI.end()) { if(FirstNeighbor(curr) != prev) { prev = curr; curr = FirstNeighbor(curr); } else { prev = curr; curr = SecondNeighbor(curr); } distance++; } if(nbh.first_id == 0) { nbh.first_id = curr; nbh.first_dist = distance; } else { nbh.second_id = curr; nbh.second_dist = distance; } } |