#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define all(a) begin(a),end(a) #define FOR(x,val,to) for(int x=(val);x<int((to));++x) #define FORE(x,val,to) for(auto x=(val);x<=(to);++x) #define FORR(x,arr) for(auto &x: arr) #define FORS(x,plus,arr) for(auto x = begin(arr)+(plus); x != end(arr); ++x) #define FORREV(x,plus,arr) for(auto x = (arr).rbegin()+(plus); x !=(arr).rend(); ++x) #define REE(s_) {cout<<s_<<'\n';exit(0);} #define GETCIN(arr) for(auto &i: (arr)) cin>>i #define GET(arr) for(auto &i: (arr)) sc(i) #define GETSTR(arr) for(auto &i: (arr)) getstr(i) #define INF 0x7F7F7F7F //2139062143 | 127 in memset -> memset(arr,127,size) #define SINF 1061109567 //Safe INF, for graphs or 2d arrays 63 in memset(arr,63,size) #define LL_INF 7234017283807667300 //100 in memset(arr,100,size) !!!must be LL #define whatis(x) cerr << #x << " is " << x << endl; #define e1 first #define e2 second typedef std::pair<int,int> pi; typedef std::vector<int> vi; typedef std::vector<std::string> vs; typedef int64_t ll; #define umap unordered_map #define uset unordered_set using namespace std; #ifdef _WIN32 #define getchar_unlocked() _getchar_nolock() #define _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS #endif template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, vector<T> V) { os<<"[";for(auto const &vv:V)os<<vv<<","; os<<"]"; return os; } template<class L, class R> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, pair<L, R> P) { os<<"("<<P.first<<","<<P.second<<")"; return os; } template<typename T> inline void print_128(T num){ if(!num) return; print_128(num / 10); cout.put((num % 10) + '0'); } inline int fstoi(const string &str){auto it=str.begin();bool neg=0;int num=0;if(*it=='-')neg=1;else num=*it-'0';++it;while(it<str.end()) num=num*10+(*it++-'0');if(neg)num*=-1;return num;} inline void getch(char &x){while(x = getchar_unlocked(), x < 33){;}} inline void getstr(string &str){str.clear(); char cur;while(cur=getchar_unlocked(),cur<33){;}while(cur>32){str+=cur;cur=getchar_unlocked();}} template<typename T> inline bool sc(T &num){ bool neg=0; int c; num=0; while(c=getchar_unlocked(),c<33){if(c == EOF) return false;} if(c=='-'){ neg=1; c=getchar_unlocked(); } for(;c>47;c=getchar_unlocked()) num=num*10+c-48; if(neg) num*=-1; return true;}template<typename T, typename ...Args> inline void sc(T &num, Args &...args){ bool neg=0; int c; num=0; while(c=getchar_unlocked(),c<33){;} if(c=='-'){ neg=1; c=getchar_unlocked(); } for(;c>47;c=getchar_unlocked()) num=num*10+c-48; if(neg) num*=-1; sc(args...); } template<typename T> inline T mod(T i, T n) { return (i % n + n) % n; } int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0); int n,m; sc(n,m); ll arr[n]; GET(arr); ll piec[m]; GET(piec); if(n == 1){ FORR(i,piec){ cout << (arr[0] < i?i - arr[0]:0) << '\n'; } exit(0); } FORR(i,piec){ ll time = max(i,arr[0]); ll ans = (arr[0] < i?i - arr[0]:0); for(int x = 1; x < n; ++x){ if((time += i) > arr[x]){ ans += time - arr[x]; } else{ time = arr[x]; } } cout << ans << '\n'; } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 | #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define all(a) begin(a),end(a) #define FOR(x,val,to) for(int x=(val);x<int((to));++x) #define FORE(x,val,to) for(auto x=(val);x<=(to);++x) #define FORR(x,arr) for(auto &x: arr) #define FORS(x,plus,arr) for(auto x = begin(arr)+(plus); x != end(arr); ++x) #define FORREV(x,plus,arr) for(auto x = (arr).rbegin()+(plus); x !=(arr).rend(); ++x) #define REE(s_) {cout<<s_<<'\n';exit(0);} #define GETCIN(arr) for(auto &i: (arr)) cin>>i #define GET(arr) for(auto &i: (arr)) sc(i) #define GETSTR(arr) for(auto &i: (arr)) getstr(i) #define INF 0x7F7F7F7F //2139062143 | 127 in memset -> memset(arr,127,size) #define SINF 1061109567 //Safe INF, for graphs or 2d arrays 63 in memset(arr,63,size) #define LL_INF 7234017283807667300 //100 in memset(arr,100,size) !!!must be LL #define whatis(x) cerr << #x << " is " << x << endl; #define e1 first #define e2 second typedef std::pair<int,int> pi; typedef std::vector<int> vi; typedef std::vector<std::string> vs; typedef int64_t ll; #define umap unordered_map #define uset unordered_set using namespace std; #ifdef _WIN32 #define getchar_unlocked() _getchar_nolock() #define _CRT_DISABLE_PERFCRIT_LOCKS #endif template<class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, vector<T> V) { os<<"[";for(auto const &vv:V)os<<vv<<","; os<<"]"; return os; } template<class L, class R> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, pair<L, R> P) { os<<"("<<P.first<<","<<P.second<<")"; return os; } template<typename T> inline void print_128(T num){ if(!num) return; print_128(num / 10); cout.put((num % 10) + '0'); } inline int fstoi(const string &str){auto it=str.begin();bool neg=0;int num=0;if(*it=='-')neg=1;else num=*it-'0';++it;while(it<str.end()) num=num*10+(*it++-'0');if(neg)num*=-1;return num;} inline void getch(char &x){while(x = getchar_unlocked(), x < 33){;}} inline void getstr(string &str){str.clear(); char cur;while(cur=getchar_unlocked(),cur<33){;}while(cur>32){str+=cur;cur=getchar_unlocked();}} template<typename T> inline bool sc(T &num){ bool neg=0; int c; num=0; while(c=getchar_unlocked(),c<33){if(c == EOF) return false;} if(c=='-'){ neg=1; c=getchar_unlocked(); } for(;c>47;c=getchar_unlocked()) num=num*10+c-48; if(neg) num*=-1; return true;}template<typename T, typename ...Args> inline void sc(T &num, Args &...args){ bool neg=0; int c; num=0; while(c=getchar_unlocked(),c<33){;} if(c=='-'){ neg=1; c=getchar_unlocked(); } for(;c>47;c=getchar_unlocked()) num=num*10+c-48; if(neg) num*=-1; sc(args...); } template<typename T> inline T mod(T i, T n) { return (i % n + n) % n; } int main(){ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0); int n,m; sc(n,m); ll arr[n]; GET(arr); ll piec[m]; GET(piec); if(n == 1){ FORR(i,piec){ cout << (arr[0] < i?i - arr[0]:0) << '\n'; } exit(0); } FORR(i,piec){ ll time = max(i,arr[0]); ll ans = (arr[0] < i?i - arr[0]:0); for(int x = 1; x < n; ++x){ if((time += i) > arr[x]){ ans += time - arr[x]; } else{ time = arr[x]; } } cout << ans << '\n'; } } |