#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define fru(j,n) for(int j=0; j<(n); ++j) #define tr(it,v) for(auto it=(v).begin(); it!=(v).end(); ++it) #define x first #define y second #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define ALL(G) (G).begin(),(G).end() #if 0 #define DEB printf #else #define DEB(...) #endif typedef unsigned int uint; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef long long LL; typedef double D; typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef vector<int> vi; const uint inft = 2000000009; const int mod = 1000000007; const int MAXN = 2006; pii P[MAXN]; uint A[MAXN]; int n,p; ull area(){ ull ret=0; fru(i,n)ret+=1LL*A[i]*A[i]; return ret; } bool ssolve(ll W){ DEB(" $$$$$ W= %lld $$$$$$$$$\n",W); set<pair<uint,bool> > S; S.insert(make_pair((uint)W,0)); set<pair<pair<uint,int>, int> > E; fru(i,n)A[i]=-1; fru(i,n)E.insert(mp(mp(P[i].y,-P[i].x),i)); while(!E.empty()){ auto u=*E.begin();E.erase(E.begin()); vi K;// elements on the same y coord K.pb(u.y); while(!E.empty() && E.begin()->x.x==u.x.x){ K.pb(E.begin()->y); E.erase(E.begin()); } DEB("K dla %u\n",u.x.x); tr(it,K)DEB("%d ",*it);DEB("\n"); bool ins=0; for(auto k:K)if(A[k]==-1){ if(S.lower_bound(mp(P[k].x,1))->y==1){ DEB("pole %d ins\n",k);ins=1; break; } } if(ins)return false; vi KK; for(auto k:K)if(A[k]==-1){ S.insert(mp((uint)P[k].x,0)); uint B=S.upper_bound(mp((uint)P[k].x,0))->x; DEB("pole %d na [%u,%u]\n",k,P[k].x,B-1); S.insert(mp(B-1,1)); A[k]=B-P[k].x; E.insert(mp(mp((uint)P[k].y+A[k]-1,-P[k].x),k)); }else KK.pb(k); while(!E.empty() && E.begin()->x.x==u.x.x){ KK.pb(E.begin()->y); E.erase(E.begin()); } DEB("KK dla %u\n",u.x.x); tr(it,KK)DEB("%d ",*it);DEB("\n"); for(auto k:KK){ DEB("usuwam %d na [%u,%u]\n",k,P[k].x,(uint)P[k].x+A[k]-1); S.erase(mp(P[k].x,0)); S.erase(mp((uint)P[k].x+A[k]-1,1)); } } DEB("RETURN TRUE\n"); return true; } void solve() { scanf("%d",&n); vi Y; p=0; uint mx=inft; fru(i,n){ scanf("%d%d",&P[i].x,&P[i].y); mx=min(mx,(uint)P[i].x); Y.pb(P[i].y); if(P[i].y<P[p].y || (P[i].y==P[p].y && P[i].x>P[p].x))p=i; } if(n==1){ printf("TAK 1\n");return; } DEB("P %d (%d %d)\n",p,P[p].x,P[p].y); if(ssolve(P[p].x+inft)){ uint wi=0,he=0; fru(i,n)if(i!=p)he=max(he,P[i].y+A[i]-P[p].y); A[p]=he; fru(i,n)wi=max(wi,P[i].x+A[i]-mx); DEB("wi %u hi %u\n",wi,he); if(A[p]>0 && area()==1LL*wi*he){ printf("TAK "); fru(i,n)printf("%d ",A[i]);puts(""); return; } } //rest for(auto y: Y)if(y!=P[p].y && ssolve(P[p].x+y-P[p].y)){ uint wi=0,he=0; fru(i,n)he=max(he,P[i].y+A[i]-P[p].y); fru(i,n)wi=max(wi,P[i].x+A[i]-mx); if(area()==1LL*wi*he){ printf("TAK "); fru(i,n)printf("%d ",A[i]);puts(""); return; } } puts("NIE"); } int main() { int te = 1; scanf("%d",&te); fru(ti,te) solve(); return 0; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 | #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define fru(j,n) for(int j=0; j<(n); ++j) #define tr(it,v) for(auto it=(v).begin(); it!=(v).end(); ++it) #define x first #define y second #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define ALL(G) (G).begin(),(G).end() #if 0 #define DEB printf #else #define DEB(...) #endif typedef unsigned int uint; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef long long LL; typedef double D; typedef pair<int,int> pii; typedef vector<int> vi; const uint inft = 2000000009; const int mod = 1000000007; const int MAXN = 2006; pii P[MAXN]; uint A[MAXN]; int n,p; ull area(){ ull ret=0; fru(i,n)ret+=1LL*A[i]*A[i]; return ret; } bool ssolve(ll W){ DEB(" $$$$$ W= %lld $$$$$$$$$\n",W); set<pair<uint,bool> > S; S.insert(make_pair((uint)W,0)); set<pair<pair<uint,int>, int> > E; fru(i,n)A[i]=-1; fru(i,n)E.insert(mp(mp(P[i].y,-P[i].x),i)); while(!E.empty()){ auto u=*E.begin();E.erase(E.begin()); vi K;// elements on the same y coord K.pb(u.y); while(!E.empty() && E.begin()->x.x==u.x.x){ K.pb(E.begin()->y); E.erase(E.begin()); } DEB("K dla %u\n",u.x.x); tr(it,K)DEB("%d ",*it);DEB("\n"); bool ins=0; for(auto k:K)if(A[k]==-1){ if(S.lower_bound(mp(P[k].x,1))->y==1){ DEB("pole %d ins\n",k);ins=1; break; } } if(ins)return false; vi KK; for(auto k:K)if(A[k]==-1){ S.insert(mp((uint)P[k].x,0)); uint B=S.upper_bound(mp((uint)P[k].x,0))->x; DEB("pole %d na [%u,%u]\n",k,P[k].x,B-1); S.insert(mp(B-1,1)); A[k]=B-P[k].x; E.insert(mp(mp((uint)P[k].y+A[k]-1,-P[k].x),k)); }else KK.pb(k); while(!E.empty() && E.begin()->x.x==u.x.x){ KK.pb(E.begin()->y); E.erase(E.begin()); } DEB("KK dla %u\n",u.x.x); tr(it,KK)DEB("%d ",*it);DEB("\n"); for(auto k:KK){ DEB("usuwam %d na [%u,%u]\n",k,P[k].x,(uint)P[k].x+A[k]-1); S.erase(mp(P[k].x,0)); S.erase(mp((uint)P[k].x+A[k]-1,1)); } } DEB("RETURN TRUE\n"); return true; } void solve() { scanf("%d",&n); vi Y; p=0; uint mx=inft; fru(i,n){ scanf("%d%d",&P[i].x,&P[i].y); mx=min(mx,(uint)P[i].x); Y.pb(P[i].y); if(P[i].y<P[p].y || (P[i].y==P[p].y && P[i].x>P[p].x))p=i; } if(n==1){ printf("TAK 1\n");return; } DEB("P %d (%d %d)\n",p,P[p].x,P[p].y); if(ssolve(P[p].x+inft)){ uint wi=0,he=0; fru(i,n)if(i!=p)he=max(he,P[i].y+A[i]-P[p].y); A[p]=he; fru(i,n)wi=max(wi,P[i].x+A[i]-mx); DEB("wi %u hi %u\n",wi,he); if(A[p]>0 && area()==1LL*wi*he){ printf("TAK "); fru(i,n)printf("%d ",A[i]);puts(""); return; } } //rest for(auto y: Y)if(y!=P[p].y && ssolve(P[p].x+y-P[p].y)){ uint wi=0,he=0; fru(i,n)he=max(he,P[i].y+A[i]-P[p].y); fru(i,n)wi=max(wi,P[i].x+A[i]-mx); if(area()==1LL*wi*he){ printf("TAK "); fru(i,n)printf("%d ",A[i]);puts(""); return; } } puts("NIE"); } int main() { int te = 1; scanf("%d",&te); fru(ti,te) solve(); return 0; } |