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Tips to stay safe from urinary tract infections
After the numbing cold of the winter months, everyone is waiting for the arrival of summer and the relief brought by the damp and cold. But the hot and muggy summer months can also be a pain in the ass in many ways. This is the season when infections spike. And, with the arrival of the monsoon, the health risks also increase dramatically. Of course, mosquito-borne diseases are the main danger this season. But there are many other health risks that often go unnoticed. One such danger is urinary tract infections, which increase during the summer months. The urinary system involves the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Infections caused in this way are called urinary tract infections. It is usually caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Most infections usually involve the lower urinary tract, i.e. the bladder and urethra. Women have a higher risk of urinary tract infections than men, which is more common in the summer. Source: http://novaco.vn/loi-ich-suc-khoe-cong-dung-va-tac-dung-phu-cua-sau-dau-d485.html
Risk of UTIs in hot days
The summer months increase the risk of urinary tract infections due to dehydration because the body does not have enough fluid to clear through the bladder. Furthermore, the warm days of summer are perfect conditions for germs and bacteria to thrive. According to urologists, Urologists, "Summer is the ideal season when the weather is warmer and germs or bacteria are easier to grow. Hot weather also causes dehydration from there. leads to infrequent urination. Urine for longer periods and not using clean bathrooms can also contribute to UTIs. Soaking in a contaminated pool can also lead to infection. Citing other causes of urinary tract infections during hot summer days, Dr. Lunawat goes on to suggest that poor vaginal hygiene as well as excessive perspiration in the perineal area during sunny days can lead to infections. may facilitate the transfer of bacteria from the rectum to the urethra (especially in women).
Blame E.coli
The most common bacteria associated with urinary tract infections is Escherichia coli (E. coli), and this is the ultimate cause of infection. The bacteria are found naturally in a person's intestines but problems arise if they get into a person's urethra. Women of all ages can get this disease. Source: http://vietherbal.com/tin-tuc-su-kien/loi-ich-suc-khoe-cua-dau-tay-c2n498.html
Symptoms you need to look out for
It is important to stay alert and seek immediate treatment if you notice any symptoms that may indicate a urinary tract infection. Urologists say that the most obvious symptoms of this condition are "burning sensation when urinating, cloudy urine, frequent urination, bloody urine, fever, sudden urge to urinate." , pressure in the lower abdomen, foul-smelling urine, pelvic and abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting." He warned that untreated UTIs can lead to fatal complications such as pyelonephritis. (nephritis) or sepsis and emphasizes the importance of prompt and appropriate treatment with medication.
The importance of timely treatment
According to urologists and consultant pathologists at Apollo Diagnostics, Pune, "UTIs are diagnosed through urinalysis and urinalysis to look for evidence of infection such as white blood cells. urine samples and isolates the causative bacteria in the urine because urine has many bacteria in common.These tests will be done if a person has burning and pain when urinating.Yes the risk of infection is higher if a person is diabetic or prone to stone formation.. Skipping the test can delay treatment and land you in trouble because the infection can also affect the kidneys if To reduce your risk of contracting Covid-19, you may choose to have a home service, where a urine sample will be collected at home." Source: http://novaco.vn/cac-loai-tra-tot-nhat-giup-giam-cang-thang-than-kinh-d486.html
What can you do to stay safe?
You can also do your own thing to prevent this difficult and annoying infection. Just take a few extra cases and you will be able to prevent urinary tract infections during the summer.
• To prevent UTIs, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
• You must also maintain good personal hygiene in your genital area to prevent UTIs.
• Avoid holding urine longer.
• Wash underwear before use.
• Avoid using public restrooms and swimming pools.
• Do not use chemical products down there.
• Wear skin-friendly bras made from breathable fabrics.
• Contains probiotics.
Additional precautions for women
• If you are a woman, wipe from front to back after using the toilet to prevent bacteria from spreading from the anus to the vagina and urethra.
• Change tampons from time to time after your period.
• Avoid douching down there.























































































health benefits of phyllanthus urinaria

This article includes:
• Health benefits
• Possible side effects
• Choice of use and storage
phyllanthus urinaria is a genus of flowering plants used as herbal medicine. Commonly used in healing in traditional Vietnamese and Chinese medicine, species such as Echinacea emblica, also known as forest tamarind, and Echinacea niruri, have long been considered a medicinal remedy. safe and effective medication for liver disorders and a variety of other medical conditions. Source: http://novaco.vn/nau-cao-duoc-lieu-tai-nha-may-tieu-chuan-gmp---who-d177.html
Dipterocarpus is grown all over the world in tropical and subtropical climates. Available as a functional food, the leaves and roots of the plant can be used to make teas, decoctions, tinctures, and extracts of the medicinal plant that are widely used in medicine today. Diep Ha Chau can also use fresh leaves and buds on the skin to treat sores and rashes, source http://www.novaco.vn/cao-duoc-lieu/ .
Note: It is also known by several names as
• Gale
• Plants and leaves
• Seeds under leaves
Health benefits
Phyllanthus extract has been used in traditional Vietnamese and Indian medicine systems for over 2,000 years, where it is thought to be able to prevent or treat a variety of unrelated health conditions. Medicines containing phyllanthus urinaria extract in traditional medicine are widely used to treat liver disorders, the effects of which are due to chlorophyll niruri extract, soure http://www.novaco.vn/ .
Other conditions commonly treated by chlorophyll include:
• Bladder infections
• Diabetes
• Skin diseases
• Heavy menstrual bleeding
• Hepatitis B
• Infectious diarrhea
• Chronic kidney disease
• Skin infections
• Urinary tract infections
The evidence supporting these health claims is generally weak. With that said, there is evidence that chlorophyllum extract can aid in the treatment of certain liver or kidney diseases. Here's what some current research says: Source: http://vietherbal.com/dich-vu/cao-duoc-lieu-c3n196.html
Liver failure
Scientists have found that certain species of chlorophyll may help prevent inflammation and liver damage. According to a 2012 study in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology, extracts of chlorophyll and phyllanthus were able to protect liver cells (called hepatocytes) from oxidative stress when exposed to hydrogen peroxide for an extended period of time. series of in vitro studies.
The results are supported by a 2017 study published in the journal Nutrients, in which a 50% extract of phyllanthus niruri appeared to halt the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). ) in mice. Not only was the extract able to normalize liver enzymes, but there were also no signs of fibrosis (scarring) in liver tissue samples. These effects are due to a plant-based polyphenol called phyllanthin, which is found only in the genus Phyllanthus, source http://novaco.vn/gia-cong-cao-duoc-lieu-c34/ .
Further research is needed to determine whether similar effects can be achieved in humans.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a form of viral hepatitis that can cause inflammation and damage to the liver over the long term. Since the 1990s, studies have suggested that phyllanthus can kill hepatitis B virus (HBV), effectively "curing" people with chronic infections.
Many of these studies have been criticized for including severely infected individuals. In people with acute hepatitis B (meaning they have been recently infected), up to 90% will shed the virus on their own without treatment. Source: http://novaco.vn/xuyen-tam-lien-s94.html
Only a small number will progress to a chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and some may never have symptoms.
Note: Claims that eucalyptus extract can "cure" or "treat" hepatitis B do not mean that chronic hepatitis B virus infection is not only incurable, but modifiable. in their progression.
This was echoed in a 2011 review in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, in which the investigators asserted that "there is no convincing evidence that cephalosporins, with placebo, benefiting patients with chronic HBV infection." Source: http://novaco.vn/gia-cong-cao-duoc-lieu-c34/
Kidney stones
Diep Ha Chau has long been used in alternative medicine to prevent and treat kidney stones (also known as kidney stones). There is some evidence to support this claim.
According to a 2018 study in the Brazilian International Journal of Urology, 56 adults with kidney stones who received a series of intravenous chlorophyllin niruri extract had a 37.5% reduction in the size of the stones after 12 weeks.
Furthermore, the infusion reduced uric acid and urinary oxalate levels that contribute to stone development (suggesting that chlorophyll may also help prevent kidney stones). There is little evidence that chlorophyllin taken by mouth can provide the same effect. Source: http://novaco.vn/gia-cong-cao-duoc-lieu-d175.html
Some scientists believe that the plant has anti-tumor properties, which could one day lead to the development of a new cancer drug. Source: http://www.novaco.vn/cao-dinh-lang-s87.html
A 2010 study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research evaluated the effects of phyllanthus (also known as Indian moringa) extract on human cancer cell lines. In a series of animal and test-tube experiments, scientists reported that extracts of chlorophyll can slow tumor growth by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death). process) in a variety of cancer cells. Source: http://www.novaco.vn/cao-moc-hoa-trang-s159.html
Unlike normal cells that undergo apoptosis (so that old cells can be replaced by new ones), cancer cells are effectively "immortal" and do not undergo apoptosis. .
The results appear to be encouraging, as many plant-based substances can trigger apoptosis in vitro. The herb was able to reduce tumor size by 50% in mice suggesting that it could have real-world applications. More research is needed, source: http://novaco.vn/nguyen-lieu-duoc-pham-thuc-pham-chuc-nang-s137.html .
Possible side effects
Although chlorophyll has been used for centuries in traditional Vietnamese and Chinese medicine, little is known about its long-term safety. Side effects are usually mild and may include abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Because there are not many studies, should avoid using chlorophyll in children, pregnant and lactating women. It should also be avoided in people with Wilson's disease because it can further reduce uric acid levels and increase the risk of liver damage. Source: http://novaco.vn/men-vi-sinh/
Research has shown that phyllanthin can bind to platelet receptors and inhibit blood clotting. Therefore, chlorophyll should not be used with an anticoagulant such as Plavix (clopidogrel) as this may lead to increased bleeding and easy bruising, source: http://vietherbal.com/nguyen-lieu-thuc-pham-chuc-nang/nguyen-lieu-cao-xuyen-tam-lien-c30p40.html .
Note: Phyllanthus supplements should be stopped at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery to prevent excessive bleeding.
It may also interact with medications used to treat diabetes, potentially increasing their effects and causing a drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). It can also do the same with antihypertensive drugs, leading to an adverse drop in blood pressure (hypotension). Source: http://vietherbal.com/dich-vu/nguyen-lieu-duoc-pham-c3n199.html
Choice of use and storage
Eucalyptus extract is most commonly sold in Vietnam and parts of the United States as a dried herb or dietary supplement. Fresh thyme is generally considered a weed and can be foraged from the wild, although a gardener may be required to identify the species. Some species, such as amarus, are known to be mildly toxic.
Harvesting a weed plant also poses a concern, as there is no way to tell if it has been contaminated with herbicides or has absorbed heavy metals and other pollutants from groundwater.
Eucalyptus extract supplements may be safer, but there are still risks. Because supplements are largely unregulated in the United States, some brands may be safer than others. For better quality and safety, choose brands that have been independently tested by certification bodies such as the US Pharmacopoeia and the US Pharmacopoeia. Source: http://novaco.vn/gia-cong-tpcn-p15.html
Sadly, very few products in traditional Vietnamese medicine and Chinese medicine have ever been submitted for quality certification. This can pose a serious risk to consumers.
Note: According to a 2015 survey from the Mayo Clinic Health System, 40% of Americans who use preparations In traditional Vietnamese medicine and Chinese medicine have high blood lead levels, while nearly half have high levels of mercury, Source: http://novaco.vn/gia-cong-my-pham-p21.html .
Here are some tips that can help you buy and use phyllanthus extract supplements safer:
• Always buy organic. This gives you the best assurance that the product is safe from contaminants. Only choose supplements that have been certified organic by the Food and Drug Administration. Source: http://vietherbal.com/dich-vu/nguyen-lieu-thuc-pham-chuc-nang-c3n201.html
• Read product labels. It is best to include the species name (such as phyllocarpus niruri) on the product label. Also, check for additional ingredients you may be sensitive to, including gluten and animal-derived gelatin. If you do not know what the ingredients are, ask your pharmacist. Source: http://novaco.vn/cao-atiso-s105.html
• Avoid natural goods. These are sought-after natural products that are often dried to make home-made decoctions and teas. If you don't know where the plant comes from, you can never be sure that it's safe and free from disease. Source: http://novaco.vn/cao-diep-ca---cao-duoc-lieu-s144.html
• Avoid overdose. More is not always better. As a rule, never exceed the dosage on the product label. This does not necessarily guarantee that the product is safe or effective, but it may reduce the risk of gastrointestinal side effects. nguồn: http://novaco.vn/cao-diep-ha-chau-s88.html
Finally, let your doctor know if you are taking or planning to take chlorophyllum extract so you can be monitored for side effects or unwanted interactions. Source: http://novaco.vn/tinh-chat-rotundin-98-s84.html
Note: If you experience side effects while taking chlorophyll, call your doctor or go to the nearest clinic. Be sure to bring the product in its original packaging. Source: http://novaco.vn/gia-cong-men-vi-sinh-p20.html
See more sources :
http://vietherbal.com/ ,
Source modulation herbal:
http://daktinpharma.vn/ ,
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