Temat: Evening boredom

In the evening, when everyone goes to bed, and insomnia, as always, torments me, I get bored. There is no one to talk to, nothing to distract from. There is nothing interesting for me.
Good morning! Sleeplessness is a problem of the entire modern society and I do not know how and who copes with it. Someone just does not sleep and looks at the ceiling, some take snacks. I decided to play https://machinesasousx.com/slot-types/progressives and after that the dream comes to me quickly. After a few batches, I'm ready to go to sleep as a baby. And this is not a joke.
Lately, I have become somewhat confused. Idleness due to pademia and so on, you know yourself... But I found information at https://whatsnew2day.com/how-to-find-and-overcome-the-personal-blind-spots/ and it turned out to be mine problem. How glad I was that I was not the only one and there is a solution to this.