Temat: Tips to Date a Latina — from a Latina

You always know because if they have, they’ll mention it in their own way. Men remember Latina women for either the good or bad…but they remember her.

So whether you date a Shakira Shakira or Sonia Sotomayor, chances are one… or some… of these stereotypes have been fulfilled in your relationship.
EDIT: Since this post has received so much commentary, I’d like to remind you that I am Latina, I speak sarcasm, and I’m on Instagram (shameless self-promotion). Also, if you don’t want to meet people on a dating app, but instead would like to meet people to date in real-life at really cool places and events, you should check out my app BUENA.

If you’re the jealous type and want to date a Latina woman, you better grow some confidence and develop trust in each other.

You can’t control how much she will be checked out, hit on, and praised with unsolicited attention.

Mostly because if you’re around Latin culture, Latin men actively show their affection. And if you’re outside of a Latino community, she will be fetishized for being exotic.

Latina women just want to be appreciated for anything other than how much you want to sleep with them. Studies at Columbia University show that Latinos are mostly casted for hyper-sexualized television roles because well… that’s how society sees us.

Don’t get me wrong, we fully perpetuate the stereotype for three reasons:

Firstly, the older generations of Latina women had little agency, so they truly had to hurry up and get married. Their beauty was the only thing going for them, so they embraced it. Certain cultural habits of loving your body are then tripled down throughout the generations.

Secondly, the younger Latinas who do have more agency and are equal human beings in society have been socially raised to be put together. I literally was wearing high heels before I could walk (Mary Janes, thank you). What’s our norm may not be yours, but we choose to express ourselves through fashion, dance, and mediums which may be seen by others as “sexy.”

My mother’s friend, a pastor, told me yesterday that a feminist condemned her for wearing high heels and dresses for “her man” (obviously, we aren’t talkin’ about a freakum-dress here, she’s modest and still fierce).

Yami answered with a “I don’t dress for men’s attention, I dress for myself.”

Third, we can’t help who we are. We’re sexy and we love it.
I always knew Latino girls were hot.) I had a girlfriend from Brazil in college. Since then, it has been my standard for relationships. I usually meet here - https://www.citasconlatinas.com/latino-lesbian-dating.html The only problem is you have to be honest with her. If you do not plan a family and children, then it is better to say this right away so as not to get a scandal in a couple of months or your girlfriend's angry brothers are visiting you.