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Most recently I wrote an essay on CBD. You may ask what is an essay?
An essay is a special style designed to show not only what the author has learned, but also his attitude toward it. Translated from the French essay means "essay, sketch", according to the best writers.
In the essay it is important to reveal your position, to justify: what, how, why and why. Here it is important not so much to answer the chosen question, but to defend your opinion. That's why this style of writing is so popular, and that's why more and more sites specializing in essay writing are appearing, and one of them is https://writemyessay.nyc, on it you just need to leave an application "write an introductory essay", and a specialist of the company will contact you to clarify the details.

The essay has its own peculiarities, which are manifested in the following:

Narrow focus. When writing an essay on a chosen topic, you need to think narrowly, but it is this technique that allows you to understand how the author knows and accepts this or that position, opinion, story or narrative, etc.
Author's Opinion. In an essay, it is very important to accurately reflect the researcher's opinion, his point of view. This is what distinguishes it from the proverbial essay and essay.
The unconventional manner in which the textual content is presented. An essay implies writing in a conversational manner, but strictly within the limits of culture, ethics, and propriety. The use of foul language and jargon is unacceptable. It is sufficient to present your idea in simple and understandable language. Exclusively with the help of short phrases, literary, emotional words. Avoid teenage slang and foreign turns of phrase.
Lack of strictly regulated structure. The writer arranges the entire canvas in his own way in any sequence. The main thing is that the content of the text was consistent, logical, capacious and understandable. The most important aspect is the complete representation of the problem and the writer's attitude to it.
Thus, the essay is a completely unique text, in which the student must show his attitude to the chosen topic, difficulties, the ability to investigate the situation, to draw accessible conclusions, to think logically.
In my opinion, in an essay it is very important to accurately reflect the opinion of the researcher, his point of view. This is what distinguishes it from the essay. When writing an essay, I needed to state my idea in a simple and understandable language, and an academic ghost writer on a reliable resource https://www.academicghostwriter.org/ was able to support me in writing an essay at a high level. I had the opportunity to review the draft essay, and I could offer the expert an unlimited number of corrections to the text until I was convinced that it fully met the requirements of my professor. Getting support when writing a phantom letter is not an easy task, especially if it is done at a high level, so I recommend that you only use trusted resources.